lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010

Caso Couso...Indignante

Todos hemos visto estos días las noticias en la prensa, en los telediarios y en internet... Hace cinco días Wikileaks filtró todas la comunicaciones de EEUU con las distintas embajadas del mundo y las comunicaciones internas.
Cuál ha sido la sorpresa de muchos cuando a bombo y platillo se anuncia que el caso COUSO ha sido tapado por nuestro propio gobierno, un gobierno que desde ese momento tiene las manos manchadas de sangre, ya que es culpable de permitir el asesinato sin consecuencias de un ciudadano Español a manos de soldados de un ejercito extranjero...pero no queda ahí la cosa, porque si rebuscamos un poco más y leemos realmente todos los cables (es decir las comunicaciones pasadas a escrito entre España, Estados Unidos, Condoleezza Rize, el embajador de EEUU y Hillary Clinton también) encontramos la información que todos queríamos saber... respuestas a esas preguntas que desgraciadamente sólo necesitaban confirmación.

Esas personas, en las que confiamos para que devolviesen la justicia por un suceso injusto: el asesinato a sangre fría, en tierras en guerra, de un cámara español por el ejercito americano.

Las respuestas ante esto fueron muy variopintas: desde que ha sido un accidente, hasta que eran terroristas, pasando porque eran una amenaza...

El gobierno español prometió que tomaría cartas en el asunto y buscarían a los culpables para llevarlos al banquillo, pero hoy 7 años después, se sigue esperando y ademas salen a la luz documentos que demuestran no sólo que el gobierno no ha hecho nada, sino que ha manipulado la situación para ocultarlo y quedar bien ante EE.UU, vergüenza es lo que deberían sentir, porque a mi como española me da vergüenza tener un gobierno que bajo cuerda permite esta aberración mientras condena de cara a la galería semejante atrocidad.
Y por si no esta claro...o hay dudas...aquí os copio el texto extraído del cable... sobre el “apoyo incondicional” del gobierno para resolver este asunto:

La corte Nacional acusa a los tres solados americanos de asesinar al cámara español José Couso 1. (U) National Court Examining Magistrate Santiago Pedraz
issued international detention orders on January 16 against
three U.S. servicemen, Sgt. Thomas Gibson, Captain Philip
Wolford, and Lt. Col. Philip de Camp, accused of murder and
violating international law in the death of Spanish cameraman
Jose Couso
during the April 2003 capture of Baghdad. This
action, taken at the request of the plaintiffs in the case
(the Couso family) effectively reopens the case following a
December 2006 ruling by the Spanish Supreme Court that
Spanish courts have jurisdiction
to try the matter “

The Mission has been engaged with Spanish
authorities on this issue at various levels, from the
Ambassador with the Vice President and Interior Minister to
action officers in contact with judicial officials. We
intend to follow up with National Court Chief Prosecutor
Javier Zaragoza as soon as possible to determine the full
range of possibilities in this case. With regard to the
issue of freezing of assets, there are conflicting reports as
to whether the plaintiffs intend to pursue the assets of the
accused or the USG's assets and we are actively seeking
clarification on this point. Post will report as soon as we
have collected additional information.
Aguirre “

La vicepresidenta agradece la respuesta del Gobierno de EE UU ante la petición de cooperación judicial en 2006, después de varios viajes y de conocer las condiciones de los soldados españoles en todas las bases militares, se reunió con el embajador durante dos horas para dar a conocer el estado de las bases y la necesidad de la seguridad en todas ellas, de la ayuda que se necesitaba allí, así como para darle las gracias por su cooperación en el caso de Jose Couso, un caso en el que la comunicación bilateral era muy importante para mantener las buenas relaciones....

Es curioso leer este cable para luego descubrir este otro que, como decirlo, desgarraría por dentro a la familia de Couso con toda la lógica del mundo, su gobierno les ha traicionado, a ellos y a todos. Un PSOE que se manifestó a su lado para exigir al gobierno de aquel entonces (PP) que solucionara a cualquier precio y lo más rápido posible el tema, y que en el momento en que llegó al `poder, se olvidó de todo y permitió que el asesinato quedara en el olvido presionando a jueces y organizaciones para que se olvidaran del caso.

En mayo de 2007, la embajada comunica a Rice que el Gobierno español "ayudó entre bastidores" a que la fiscalía archivase el 'caso Couso'

Me ha parecido importante poner todo el cable, pero esta marcado en negrita lo que concierne al caso Couso
Dear Secretary Rice: I welcome you to Spain on behalf
of our 367 American and Spanish colleagues serving the United
States at Mission Spain. Your visit is a milestone in our
work, together with you, to overcome the differences over
Iraq with the Spanish government and convince them that
further strengthening cooperation coincides with Spain,s
national interest
. At the same time, your visit can serve as
a catalyst to encourage Spain to become an even more active
)- but responsible -- member of a Transatlantic partnership,
marked by cooperative efforts on our shared values, including
counter-terrorism and promoting democracy, freedom and human
rights throughout the world. This means that you will need
to speak frankly to the Spanish government about Cuba,
despite their desire to avoid the issue. The issue need not
be the central one in a rich agenda on a wide variety of
fronts in which we work closely with Spain; however, Cuba
must be an element of your discussions on democracy, and
Spain,s own special responsibility as a democracy leader
that has successfully undergone the transition from
dictatorship to thriving democracy. Your discussions will
also include Kosovo, Afghanistan, Spain,s OSCE Chairmanship,
Russia, Iran, Iraq, Latin America and the Middle East.
Moratinos will raise a thorny child-custody case involving a
Spanish woman currently jailed for contempt of court in New
Jersey. Your interview with the Spanish press will provide
an opportunity to reach out to the Spanish people and
underscore the significant value of our alliance and convey
our views on issues on which we differ. We see this visit as
a great opportunity to advance our relations with Spain, and
the Spanish government shares this view

2. (C) The Spanish government has long awaited your first
visit as Secretary of State and views it as a sign of the
importance of strong U.S.-Spain relations. They will use your
visit to counter criticism that the Zapatero government has
shattered the transatlantic relationship. Per the Spain
strategy you approved two years ago, we have sought to move
this government away from visceral and reflexive anti-U.S.
policies and sentiments, carving out areas in which
Zapatero,s government can offer support for the President,s
broad global agenda. We have made clear to the Zapatero
government that the price of our willingness to publicly
promote good bilateral relations is real contributions on
world issues.
While we have made some positive headway, the
Zapatero government has not hesitated on occasion to pursue
an agenda counter to our own when deemed in the Socialist
party,s domestic political interest. Your visit should
encourage Spain to be an even more active member of a
transatlantic partnership that works cooperatively in pursuit
of shared values on freedom, democracy, human rights and

18. (C) Two important bilateral issues fall in the judicial
area. Moratinos has said he will raise with you the child
custody involving Spanish citizen Maria Jos Carrascosa who
is currently jailed for contempt of court in Bergen County,
New Jersey for failure to return her child to the US as
required by a New Jersey court decision. During this
political season in Madrid, the case has become a cause
celebre, with pictures of Carrascosa ) viewed as a mother
separated from her child - in handcuffs entering the New
Jersey prison. The GOS agrees that this is a case for the
courts and both governments agree that mediation of the
dispute is the appropriate response. However, Moratinos for
political reasons has to show the government is doing
something about the case.
On our side, you should note
continued USG concern about the court case against the three
US servicemen charged with alleged &war crimes8 in the case
of the death of Spanish TV camerman Jose Couse in the
Palestine Hotel in Baghdad in 2003. The GOS has been helpful
behind the scenes in getting the case appealed by the Spanish
Prosecutor. The case now moves to the appeals tribunal of
the National Court, which will rule on the substance of the
charges. We want continued vigilance and cooperation by the
GOS until the case is dropped.

(C) Moratinos holds you in very high regard and values
the contacts that he has had with you. Your efforts and
those of other senior USG officials, along with mine, to help
guide Moratinos on key issues such as handling Russia in the
OSCE and on the full range of Middle East issues, can prove
effective. The more outreach the better, as we try to play
to his desire to have a role on major issues while helping to
direct some of these efforts toward policies that work to
support US global objectives.

20. (U) You may want to congratulate Moratinos on the
upcoming celebration of the 50th anniversary of the
Commission for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Exchange
between the United States and Spain (the Fulbright
Commission) and express how you look forward to hearing more
about the events planned to take place in Washington to
commemorate this major milestone. The Spanish Fulbright
Commission, the second largest in Europe, is a truly
binational organization with the majority of funding provided
by the Spanish central government, as well as regional
autonomous communities and private sector entities.

21. (C) In all, you will find a rich agenda with Spain, which
your visit can advance substantially. Again, welcome to
Madrid. We are looking forward to your visit on June 1.

En resumen...Me parece ...vergonzoso! Que nos engañen de esta manera, ya no es cuestión de confiar en que nos protejan y nos defiendan, sino de que no se rían de nosotros (que es lo que hacen a diario... En un principio aseguran que recurrirán a la justicia y que es inminente la detención de los militares culpables de los asesinatos y luego no hacen nada...Sinceramente es un gobierno que le da igual si no tenemos dinero, si no tenemos trabajo, si no tenemos derechos y si no tenemos vida.

Es verdad que otos partidos tienen también muchos problemas pero sólo el PSOE se ha manchado las manos de sangre en el asesinato a un ciudadano inocente Español. Es verdad que ellos no apretaron el gatillo, pero es como si lo hubieran hecho.

Ánimo familia Couso, Que aunque seamos un país pequeño, somos un gran país. Y algún día. Al igual que con los problemas de la sociedad, vuestro caso tendrá una justa resolución.

Caerse está permitido, levantarse es una obligación.

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